"On Wednesday, 20th March Kev 'the Goblinmaster' Adams was brutally assaulted during a burglary at his home in Nottingham. So many people have offered help and support that this page has been set up to coordinate efforts and information."
I don't know Kev personally, but I certainly own some very cool models that he sculpted, and if you own any goblins, there is a good chance you do too. I wish Kev a speedy recovery.
The Hardlove Light Steam Charger Ordered Tuesday, received Thursday from Fighting 15s. Just thought I'd post up a photo of this (hastily assembled) model, as the photo on their website isn't very clear. As noted, while the website states that delivery can take 8 weeks or more (I believe they have some kind of arrangement with Eureka in Australia), delivery of this little fella only took 2 days, :-) Resin main body and tracks, with metal commander, hatch, funnel and a choice of either gatling gun or cannon. Needs a little bit of tidying up, but a very nice little vehicle, and full of character. I'm very happy with this purchase
Do yourself a favour and check out "Jimbibbly"'s battle report from Mars on the Lead Adventure Forum:- "DISASTER ON MARS! Once again the indigenous population of Mars has wilfully attacked a peaceful convoy without provocation or warning!
A young member of the Imperial Japanese Court was being escorted to an unknown destination with a small column of troops past what was reported to be an abandoned Martian enclave but to her horror and band of Martians came out of nowhere to attack her and the column..."
The "In Her Majesty's Name" blog (by the rules' authors) has added a scenario and battle report. THE STILBOURNE INCIDENT – May 1st 1895 "The objective is simple. In the doorway to the village Church is a dead ‘vagrant’ and in his pocket are stolen plans detailing the manufacture of German troop-carrying dirigibles. How the vagrant came by the plans no-one knows, however both the Society of Thule and the Prince of Wales’s Extraordinary Company have rushed men to the village to retrieve these vital documents..." It offers some clues to gameplay for the forthcoming ruleset. Follow the link to find out more:-
The VSF MINIATURES page on Facebook continues to grow. This page is intended to be a resource for those looking for 28mm miniatures suitable for VSF (Victorian Science Fiction). A fan-page, if you will, about toys for discerning gentlemen and ladies. I will be putting up pictures of VSF miniatures etc. that I like, along with a link to their manufacturers, where possible.
I don't manufacture or sell any of the products pictured or mentioned, but I will try and include links to the people who do.
I'm adding to the photo albums whenever I have time, and I try and put up relevant news, info and links as I come across them.
Empress Anglo-Zulu War Dragoons just released. "In full charge to compliment the lancers. Seperate heads so that you can build a large unit of different types."
The IN HER MAJESTY'S NAME blog produced by the authors is now live, and can be found HERE
Background, fiction, announcements and links can all be found there.
Check it out.
Limited Edition figures for the In Her Majesty's Name pre-order from North StarFagin. This figure is only available to people spending £64 on IHMN products before April 18th. Jack the Ripper. This figure is not available to buy, but comes free to everyone who spent £37 before April 18th.
Meanwhile, over on the Lead Adventure Forum, "6milPhil" of Slug Industries has these baggage items for sale. "Due to the keen response to this I'm offering these up for sale before I've got a painted example. Six trunks, four suitcases andthree hatboxes make up a thirteen piece set for all your baggage needs. I'm selling these for £5 a set plus P&P via paypal, please PM me if you want one, or two, or even more"
"Big game hunters A delightful pair made up of a strapping moustachioed big game hunter and his rather stout assistant. These two would be at home hunting beasts anywhere from the jungles of Nguywamyland to the deserts of Narayanaman.Sculpted by the honourable Major Hicks." and available from Bend Sinister
BATMAN: GOTHAM BY GASLIGHT by Brian Augustyn & Mike Mignola, from DC Comics, and part of it's Elseworlds series, where characters are re-imagined, is re-released this week in a new edition. Mike Mignola is the creator of Hellboy, and this book is available from, as they say, all good comic shops.
"It is 1895 and the world is in turmoil. The Great Powers compete for resources and the latest technology, and an undeclared and secret war rages between them all. This is battleground of the Adventuring Companies. These clandestine agents of the Great Powers operate in the shadows, matching skills and wits in pursuit of the newest scientific formulae or powerful occult artifacts. In Her Majesty’s Name sets these adventuring companies against each other in one-off encounters and in longer narrative campaigns. Companies are usually comprised of just 4–15 figures and two players could easily play three games in an evening, making an on-going campaign a highly viable option. In Her Majesty’s Name has been designed to allow maximum versatility for the player – if you can imagine it, the system will help you build it. There is, however, a wealth of material provided in the book, covering weird science, mystical powers, and a range of pre-generated adventuring companies, including the British Explorers’ Club, the Prussian Society of Thule, the US Marine Corps, the Légion Étrangère, the revolutionaries of the Brick Lane Commune, ancient Egyptian cults, and the mysterious Black Dragon Tong" Visit North Star for more information:-